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Entries by Nicole (14)


dreaded goblets

I used to hate making mugs because I didn't know how to make a handle. Cups? No problem, but handles were never pushed in my non-academic classes, so after my first failed attempt, I stopped trying. Fast forward to late last summer when I asked every potter I knew for a handle- pulling demo, and after 25 mugs, I conquered that beast. So yeah, I pull handles now. Easy peesy. While I was giving a private lesson to an earnest beginner this week, pulling a handle to squeeze every minute out of her hour-- I could not recall when handles stopped being so darn dreaded. But there is a list to infinity of things I've yet to do and more importantly do WELL with clay. My most recent two? Goblets and lids. First off, I don't like ceramic goblets-- too medieval for me. I'll drink wine from a cup or even a mug, thank you. But a friend has asked me to make her a pair so sure, why not? Throw a cup/ bowl- throw a stem, trim, attach. Throw a cup/ bowl, trim, throw a stem on it.  Well for friggin' sakes! All the pieces are simple to make, but attaching and finishing and feeling happy with the outcome has been a grueling task. I went one for one on good ones vs. trashed ones. Stems came unattached during bisque (scratch and attach, I know, I know-- but what happens when what usually works and suddenly does not?) SO. My low-fire goblets came out fine, my soda fire goblets came out great. Tonight, as I was glazing my last two 'extra' sets I was feeling good. Some Gelermino Shino on one pair, Shaner Oribe on the other-  soda fire mojo, and then, as I was pouring out the excess glaze from the last one, the entire cup part fell into the bucket as I held onto the stem. Deadline looming, I am forced to clean that sucker off, dry it in the kiln room, glaze and re-attach the frickin' stem- with my fingers crossed. I even threw some extra glaze on its pair- buddy with hopes that IF it survives the fire, it might still match. I hate goblets. Okay, to be optimistic..... when all is said and done, at least I now know 10 different ways to make a goblet, but I swear I NEVER- EVER will make another. 





Plant and Garden Sale

This past weekend was St. Pete Clay's annual Plant and Garden Sale, and true to Florida's nature, it was boiling hot. Luckily the A/C was cranked way down for the weekend, but we sweated our asses off on Friday, setting up for it all. The place looked great, especially with lots of people walking around enjoying themselves. We (A.I.R's) spent the weekend wrapping, demo-ing and generally helping out which was a nice break. The more I demo, the more I love it. It is kind of like a marriage between theatre and pottery which is perfect for my recessive acting genes. I also had fun teaching three boys how to throw a bit on the wheel. More like making a mess while using every tool in my bucket, but it was a good time. 

I made just a few little planters for the sale. Plain ones for the succulents and painted ones for flowering plants.





So my last class is done and my grades were posted this morning (with Honors eh.h.. hmm..). I can't believe this two year academic journey that led me from New York to Florida is over. Time to briefly gather my thoughts before I begin the grad school hunt. 

This weekend we ( the A.I.Rs ) were fed very well. On Saturday, we were invited by one of the members of St. Pete Clay to dinner in Tampa. R.W. is awesome. Every time we get a cut tree, he appears with his chain saw and iPod and goes to town. We had some great Cuban food at his lady friend's home -- with a beautiful view of Tampa Bay too. Good time.

Nick Joerling was in town for a workshop at the Morean Center for Clay this weekend. I made it to a good chunk of Sunday's demo before heading to K.H's lovely house for a post workshop dinner. Just being in her home, surrounded by her stunning collection of ceramics is joy enough, but good company and delicious food made for a memorable night.


Thesis defense and loading a kiln

Today was the final committee meeting for my thesis. I had the show defense last week, which I found to be very illuminating, as I am not used to pondering my pots out loud. So today I was suppose to assess my show and speak about my goal statement, oh and say what I liked/ disliked about my college experience ( and I said it all !).

Back at the train station, we wadded and loaded the train kiln. I'm really excited about some of my re-fires, using a good coating of Shaner's Oribe to bring on the mojo. Had some wood fired pizza from our new oven... yummy. 

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